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Hotel Management

An All-in-One COVID-19 Survival Strategy for Hotels: Lybra’s Assistant RMS + Newhotel’s PMS

By July 15, 2020March 14th, 2021No Comments2 min read

Lybra is thrilled to announce the completion of a two-way integration between Lybra’s Assistant RMS with Newhotel’s PMS.

Newhotel specializes in the design and development of high-quality, integrated software that opens new horizons for hotel management businesses, including the company’s Cloud PMS, the most complete and integrated, cloud-based PMS available on the market. Newhotel works with 4,500 hotels in more than 64 countries, across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Americas, the Caribbean, the Atlantic Islands and Asia-Pacific.

The integration of Lybra’s Assistant RMS and Newhotel’s PMS enables hotels of all sizes and types – from independent, boutique hotels, to branded chains and resorts – to increase bookings and revenue, and more effectively manage their operations, without any added tech headaches. Unlike other RMS (which prioritize historical data), Lybra’s Assistant prioritizes market and competitor data, collecting and analyzing it in real-time, to give your property the most accurate room rate, based on current market trends – and now that it is integrated with Newhotels’s Cloud PMS, it makes it easier than ever to manage your property’s reservations, completely hands-free.

The combination of Lybra’s Assistant RMS and Newhotel’s Cloud PMS is the all-in-one package that will help your property thrive, during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

To learn more about the integration or to try Lybra’s Assistant RMS at your property, contact Lorenzo Magnarelli, Chief Customer Success Officer, at [email protected]